Third-Party Patching: Don’t Be a Sitting Duck

Keeping your software up-to-date is crucial for cybersecurity, but it goes well beyond just your operating system and core applications. Third-party applications, from essential tools like Adobe Substance 3D Stager to popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox, often have overlooked vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited.

This blog post dives into the importance of third-party patching and the urgency of automating the process to stay ahead of cyber threats.

The Patchwork Problem

  • Constant Updates: Based on our years of third-party patch management, we’ve seen popular applications like Chrome receive multiple updates per month, each addressing security vulnerabilities. Manually keeping track of these updates across numerous applications is near impossible.
  • Severity and Exploits: Many third-party vulnerabilities are rated high or critical, meaning they can grant attackers access to your system or data. Alarmingly, Chrome has already seen one zero-day exploit in 2024, and Apple products faced 90 vulnerabilities, including a Webkit zero-day. These flaws are actively exploited by attackers, so timely patching is essential.
  • Beyond Mainstream: Updates aren’t limited to well-known software. Lesser-used tools like Bitwarden, Citrix Workspace, and FileZilla also require patching to stay secure. Manually checking each one is a daunting task.

Why Third-Party Patches May Demand Immediate Attention

  • Elevated Risk: Third-party patches categorized as “severe” or “critical” signify vulnerabilities with the potential to grant attackers significant access or control over your systems. This could mean data breaches, compromised accounts, or even complete system takeover.
  • Exploitation Speed: Attackers prioritize these high-impact vulnerabilities, often developing and deploying exploits within days or even hours of the patch release. Waiting to apply the patch creates a dangerous window of opportunity for them.
  • Domino Effect: A single unpatched vulnerability can act as a springboard for attackers, allowing them to move laterally within your network and compromise other systems. This can quickly escalate into a full-blown security incident.

Prioritizing and Automating Your Response

Manually managing numerous applications and prioritizing patches based on severity is a recipe for disaster. Furthermore, manually patching numerous applications is overwhelming and can lead to errors. Here’s how automation can empower you to proactively address critical vulnerabilities:

  • Automated Vulnerability Scanning: Robust patch management tools can continuously scan your systems for newly discovered vulnerabilities, including third-party patches, prioritizing those classified as severe or critical.
  • Improved Efficiency: You can free up IT resources from tedious manual scanning and patching but enabling specific scanning and maintenance windows, based on your organization’s needs.
  • Streamlined Patch Deployment: Automated deployment capabilities ensure critical patches are applied quickly and consistently across all your devices, regardless of location or platform.
  • Enhanced Security: Consistent and complete patching across all applications significantly reduces your attack surface and bolsters your overall security posture.

Taking Action

Don’t wait for a data breach to learn the importance of third-party patching. Here are some key steps:

  • Identify Third-Party Software: Make a comprehensive list of all third-party applications used within your organization.
  • Implement Automated Patching: Invest in a reliable patch management tool and configure it to automatically update all third-party software.
  • Stay Informed: Subscribe to vendor security advisories and vulnerability updates like Syxsense’s to stay on top of the latest threats and patches.

By understanding the heightened risk associated with severe patches and embracing automation, you can shift from a reactive to a proactive security posture. Remember, consistent third-party patching, especially prioritizing critical updates, is not just a good practice – it’s a vital line of defense in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape.

Do you have any questions about your third-party patch management approach? Find out the latest best practices by scheduling an assessment with Syxsense.